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Photo: University of California San Diego

Jun 16, 2023 WoodWorks

Key Takeaways

  • In May, 在加州大学圣地亚哥分校,一座由交叉层压木材(CLT)制成的10层建筑在世界上最大的室外振动台上进行了测试. The goal? To validate the capacity of tall mass timber buildings to withstand seismic events.
  • 该项目可以为住宅和皇冠2登录welcome建筑规范的改变铺平道路,从而更广泛地采用大量木材,特别是在地震活动频发的地区.   
  • 它还可以验证大量木材和其他创新技术作为交通工具,有助于使建筑物更安全,更能抵御地震活动.   
  • WoodWorks提供资源和皇冠99hg现金网,让您快速了解这对大规模木结构建筑设计的意义.   
10-Story NHERI Shake Table Test: State of the Art Mass Timber Seismic Design

On May 9th, 在世界上最大的室外振动台上,一座由交叉层压木材制成的10层建筑进行了测试, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). 作为自然灾害工程研究基础设施(NHERI) TallWood项目的一部分,该结构的建造是为了进行测试, 这是一项全行业的倡议,旨在调查大量木材的抗震弹性及其作为低碳结构材料的潜在用途.  

This testing culminates years of collaboration between a long list of universities, industry partners, design and construction partners, and non-profit partners—including WoodWorks, Think Wood, 软木木材委员会(SLB)和两国软木木材委员会(BSLC)共同努力,进一步推动大规模木材创新. The principal investigators include researchers from the Colorado School of Mines; the University of Washington; the University of Nevada, Reno; Colorado State University; Washington State University; and Lehigh University.

“Mass timber is already known globally as a sustainable, low-carbon building material,” shared Cees de Jager, President and CEO of the SLB and BSLC. “These tests will prove mass timber’s viability as a safe and effective, as well as sustainable, alternative to steel-and-concrete buildings in seismically active areas, paving the way for broader adoption in taller mass timber structures nationwide.”

The UCSD shake table, where the testing is taking place, 最近进行了一次升级,增加了震动轴的数量,使其能够更好地模拟实际的地震事件. Utilizing a mass timber rocking-wall system, 该结构的设计可以承受高震级地震,并且几乎不会造成结构损坏. In the initial tests, 这座建筑经历了近代历史上两次最具破坏性的地震的模拟. The first test was equivalent to the 6.7 magnitude 1994 Northridge earthquake, and the second to the 7.7 magnitude Chi Chi earthquake that took place in Taiwan in 1999. Following each simulation, researchers assessed the building for damage.

In an interview with UCSD, Shiling Pei, 科罗拉多矿业学院副教授,NHERI Tallwood项目首席研究员, said, “它的表现完全符合我们的预期——在经历了两次连续的设计级地震后,这座建筑仍然没有受到破坏.”

Engineering News Record details the technical achievement of the rocking-wall system, talking with Reid Zimmerman, structural technical director of the Portland, OR office of KPFF Consulting Engineers, and a member of the TallWood design and construction team. “For post-tensioning, the rocking walls each have two high-strength threaded bars running full height, which precompress the CLT panels or mass plywood panels. At the bottom of the walls, the rods anchor into the foundation. At the top of the walls, 杆连接到一个钢“鞍”组件,将负载从螺纹杆转移到大量木材墙板上. During shaking, the mass timber panels rock, lifting at the heel end and compressing at the toe end of the walls, while always controlled and brought “back to center” by the post-tensioned rods.” 

Designed by LEVER Architecture, the TallWood project structure stands 112-ft-tall, with four partial façade assemblies. It contains several mass timber products in the floors, walls, columns and beams, including cross-laminated timber (CLT), glue-laminated timber, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) or nail/dowel laminated timber panels, depending on the level. 

“这个测试系列展示了一个高大的大质量木材抗震系统是如何承受多重地震的, very high seismic events,” said WoodWorks Senior Technical Director Scott Breneman, PhD, PE, SE. “Coming into these tests, 多年的部件和系统测试,以及成千上万的计算机地震模拟,让研究团队有信心通过测试——但看到这座建筑通过NHERI 3-D振动台的实际测试,对我来说是一生一次的经历. 我祝贺裴士玲和扩展的研究和行业团队取得这一成就.“ 

“看到这座建筑通过了NEHRI三维振动台的实际测试,对我来说是一生一次的经历. 我祝贺裴士玲和扩展的研究和行业团队取得这一成就.’’

– Scott Breneman, PhD, PE, SE, WoodWorks Senior Technical Director 

What is the motivation for a research project of this scale? 

NHERI Tallwood项目可能会影响即将出台的住宅和皇冠2登录welcome建筑规范, leading to more widespread adoption of mass timber as a sustainable, strong, and versatile building material—especially in areas prone to seismic activity. 它还可以验证大量木材和其他创新技术作为交通工具,有助于使建筑物更安全,更能抵御地震活动.

There are 11 tall wood projects built or under construction in the US, and nearly all of them have a non-timber lateral system, utilizing steel and concrete in their core for a hybrid design solution. NHERI TallWood项目和相关测试可以为横向系统设计人员验证全木材解决方案, developers, 业主通过另一种方式来扩大他们对大量木材的使用,以达到他们项目的优势. Hybrid systems, as seen on the completed tall wood projects, have proven effective and will remain a good option in many cases. However, 使用全木材系统可以最大限度地发挥项目中大量木材的优势,例如降低碳影响, less coordination between materials, fewer trades on site, and a shorter construction time. 与按照当前规范最低要求设计的结构相比,像正在测试的这样的全木材系统还可以提供更高的弹性和更好的性能.

At the conclusion of the project, shared Pei, 研究人员将为岩墙系统提供设计和施工指导, with the goal of having it recognized in building codes. Jonathan Heppner, LEVER’s principal for the test frame, shared that even before the rocking wall system is incorporated into the design guidelines, the research “will help with the permit approval process.”

Look for the full findings of the building testing to be published. Already available is the article Prescriptive Seismic Design Procedure for Post-Tensioned Mass Timber Rocking Walls, co-authored by Pei and five others, which appeared last year in the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering.

The Details of Seismic Design: WoodWorks Education and Resources 

在测试的第一天之后,WoodWorks在测试现场举办了一场仅限受邀参加的活动. The program covered a gamut of information on the subject, 包括国际建筑规范(IBC)中当前抗震设计方案的全面概述, 在2021年SDPWS中允许实施新的CLT剪力墙系统和结构CLT隔板, mechanisms of the mass timber rocking-wall system, and unique design attributes of the 10-story mass timber structure.

The day’s highlight was the shake table testing itself, 这为与会者提供了一个难得的机会来见证大规模木结构在地震事件中的行为, 并将研讨会期间讨论的抗震设计原则的应用可视化.

The course, titled State of Art Mass Timber Seismic Design and the 10-Story NHERI Shake Table Test is accredited and available now on The Wood Institute website.
